Thursday, May 28, 2009

S60可用Mail for Exchange 和Google calendar 和GMail 同步了

實在太開心 現在S60可用Mail for Exchange 和Google calendar 同步了
Nokia S60 can now sync with Google calendar using Mail For Exchange

Now my Music Xpress 5800 can sync with Google calendar using Mail for Exchange as if Apple's iphone.

現在S60可用Mail for Exchange 和Google calendar 同步,而且是雙向同步,唯一不足是只支援main calendar,不過對我來說已經足夠了。

在此之前,我是用CalSyncS60 和 Goosync 來進行同步的,但CalSyncS60 已變成收費軟件,並更名為Googasync,而 goosync 只可更新前後一個月的事項,還有main calendar限制,再加上仍過第三方連接google , 我可不放心。而用Mail for Exchange 是google 官方的方法,而Mail for Exchange是Nokia 寫的,可以免費下載。

Download from Ovi
在Ovi 下載

設定(Set up):

Friday, May 22, 2009

Parallel For for multi-core/cpu programming in C#

Here is an implementation
Coding time: Implement your own Parallel.For in C#

I have applied this code into my code, it really works.

And there is the AForge.Net Framework project. The 2.0.0 beta also contains an implementation of Parallel.For

I have also applied this into my code. It can gain 10% further improvement than the previous implementation.

Finally, there is the official Microsoft Parallel Extensions to .NET Framework 3.5, but I cannot comply it in Visual Studio 2005.

The overall improvement is about 40% compared with the original single thread one.

Friday, May 15, 2009

免費 免安裝 取代 MS Office 雲計算年代的Office Suite

Thinkfree Office Live

Thinkfree Office 是用JAVA 寫成,在覽器裏面啟動,所以免安裝,只需要一台有JRE的電腦就可以使用。裏面包含WORD PROCESSOR,SPREADSHEET 和 PRESENTATION的程式,可以開啟OFFICE 2003和2007的格式。此外還提供了1GB 的儲存空間,還可以CREATE WORKSPACE,讓多人一同參與編輯工作。

除此之外, 網站本身也提供了文件觀看工具,可以觀看DOC,XLS,PPT和PDF,和PDF 文件轉換工具。

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

流動一族必備 Opera Mini

現在我正在用Opera Mini 在我的Nokia xm 5800 上網。 雖然其內置的S60 browser 其實也不錯,但Opera mimi的使用感受更好。感覺上速度快了,而且顯示的畫面更適合手機看。
