Sunday, July 1, 2012

Leap second causing ksoftirqd and Java eat up a lot of cpu rescources in CentOS 6

A leap second is added on 1 July 2012 UTC+0.

I found that ksoftirqd and MATLAB in my machines comsume extremely high CPU load even they were idle.

The affected machines all run on Centos 6 and 6.2.

The solution is simple, just run:
# date -s "`date`"

on the affected machine and they got back normal.



When I read the system log, the kenrel indeed acknowledge the occurrence of lead second.

I think the problem is from Java, which Matlab runs on it.

When all "hot dog" were gone....

Finally, Hong Kong has no public air-conditioned buses. All of them become our memory.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Solving "error while loading shared libraries" in Linux

For some newly compiled and installed programs in Linux, when they are executed for first time, the following error comes out

"error while loading shared libraries: open shared object file: No such file or directory"
It happens in my Ubunutu Linux 11.10 box.

The solution is pretty simple.
1.)  Edit  /etc/

sudo nano /etc/

2.)  Add the path of the *.so, usually custom libraries are installed in  "/usr/local/lib", so adding this line can solve most of the problems.

3.) Save (of course) and execute

sudo /sbin/ldconfig –v

The problem is then solved.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dennis Dominator 丹尼士統治者(多明尼達)

An Alexander bodied Dennis Dominator. The bus was originated from UK, bought to Hong Kong as a second-hand bus by a private bus company Argos Bus. It was later turned into an open-top bus.