Friday, May 27, 2011

移除欺詐軟件 XP Total Security 2011

當你有天發現每當一開Windows, 就有隻叫 XP Total Security 2011 的軟件警告你電腦中了毒,而當你開網站時,網頁出現了大慨說網站有毒的訊息,當然又有  XP Total Security 2011 的名字,那麼你就要留意

XP Total Security 2011 是一個欺詐軟件,它假扮成防毒軟件,發出誇張失實的警告訊息,並要求以信用卡付款去購買完整版,但它並沒有仕何解毒功能,又會拖慢系統,而且不能用正常方法(新增/移除程式)移除。


1.打開工作管理員(Task Manager) 關掉任何名字可疑的程式,其程式的名字是隨機的。(或直接進入安全模式)

2.打開Notepad, 並打入以下的code

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="\"%1\" %*"

"Content Type"="application/x-msdownload"

存成 fix.reg  (存檔類型為所有檔案) ,並且執行。

3.執行反間諜程式的軟體,最新的Microsoft Security Essentials 已經可以移除XP Total Security 2011,  析辨為 Rogue: Win32/FakeRean.

4.檢查Browser, 例如IE 的設定,如發現 連線->區域網絡設定-> Proxy 伺服器有任何設定,請把它們移除。

XP Total Security 2011 是利用IE 的漏洞入侵電腦的,請及時更新IE, 或使用其他Browser 例如 Chrome, Firefox。


XP Security 2011
XP Internet Security 2011
XP Home Security 2011
Vista Total Security 2011
Vista Internet Security 2011
Vista Security 2011
Vista Home Security 2011
Win7 Total Security 2011
Win7 Internet Security 2011
Win7 Security 2011
Win7 Home Security 2011


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Online的 Angry Birds 憤怒的小鳥

已經不是pc 版, 總之無論 是Windows, 是 Mac OS, 是 Linux, 也可以玩 Angry Birds,只要有 Google Chrome/firefox 4 就可以。

不多講, 自己去玩吧。

More on MCW Metrobus Mark 2 11m 都城嘉慕 都城2型 11米

MCW were not frequently served in 42C, and now the whole route has been air-conditioned.

EK706, equipped with the powerful Cummins engine, usually served for routes in Tsang Kwan O, was specially seen in 38.

Another side

Sunday, May 1, 2011

AL 1,DX 2437, The first successful air-conditioned double decker~ Leyland Olympian 11 m

She is the ancestor of today's air-conditioned double decker, AL1, the Leyland Olympian. She was put in service in 1988 and retired in 2005. Her contribution is that the air-conditioning and driving system are both powered by the same engine, leading to good operation efficiency. Nowadays almost all air-conditioned double decker are powered by the similar way.

Because of the similar body and the seats as those non-air conditioned, some passengers may think this bus is converted from non-air conditioned bus, but the body work of this bus is original.
 As a spare bus, it served almost all routes of Li Chi Kok Depot. This picture was taken when it served 249M.
At 31B